check out my talk this year at CCC.
Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components
On display at:
Labor Neunzehn
My first Solo exhibition in Berlin produced by: singuhr is open now at Mein Blau Projektraum

This year, 2024 I was invited to Pittsburgh to teach at The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University
Sizzling Semiconductors is featured in a graphic novel made by Neve Monroe-Anderson in the Steiner Book for the 2023-2024 Season.
graphic novel: Neve Monroe-Anderson
New Review on Arta Magazine
on Simultan Festival 2023 and Mineral Amnesia, Sizzling Semiconductors and Screaming Minerals

Mineral Amnesia premiere in Berlin with erosion and distortion at Galerie Nord / Kunstverein Tiergarten16. 6. – 19. 8. 2023

My new piece Mineral Amnesia debuts in Timisoara along the riverbank of Bega at
Sonic Narratives / Narațiuni Sonore
A project developed by,
curated by: Carsten Seiffarth
May 26 — June 10, 2023
Constructorul Base, Timișoara
2023 started with a talk:
Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components at CTM - portals.

Beautiful Catalogues curated by Ji-Yoon Han arrived from Canada, straight from Grantham Foundations: Exercises in Reciprocity,
A very challenging exhibition that brought us a lot of knowledge and indeed reciprocity.

Arboreal Receptors
31st of July in Berlin
at Floating University!
poster design: Malte von Gottberg
Thanks to Neu Start Kultur, and Stiftung Kunstfonds I will be able to continue my work and research with fluidics and microfluidics in 2022!
New works and dates are to be announced soon!

I've been researching recently on Semiconducting materials to create tone generators. Experiments with stones and scrap galvanized steel plates will be presented during the workshop series:
Sizzling Semiconductors
The first workshop will be held on the 19th of Mai in Viena at Mz* Baltzar’s Lab, Jägerstraße 52-54, Vienna
Zink oscillator, inspired by Nyle Steiner's discoveries.
17 March 22!
in Berlin
promo design: cyan/ singuhr

17 March 22!
in Montreal
promo design: Fonderie Darling

2 July - premiere "Neural Labyrinths – a performance installation"
Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl, Liz Allbee, Ioana Vreme Moser, Anne Wellmer; part of unexpected territories - david tudor, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin, DE

promo design: cyan/ singuhr
Off-Season exhibition is travelling again. Sinking Amulets to be seen in Cluj!

Artist Talk coming up at Vamh
To be streamed on the 07.12.2021
20:00 CET

Next workshop at Sonic Curiosities
27th -28th November, Berlin

photo credits: Simultan Festival
New Video by Ursss with our improvisations at
4Fakultat #18
On display now:
Coquetta at Future Perfect
B5 Studio, Târgu Mureș, Romania

photo credits: cyan/ Rab Zoltan

Up Next:
OffSeason, group exhibition at Bulevard Art & Media Institute, Tirana
Opening Friday, 15.10.2021, 18.30h
@ Bulevardi Zogu I, nr. 13, 1001 Tirana, Albania
On display now:

Arboreal Receptors #2
at Singuhr Projekte
7.10-17.10, ZK/U, Berlin

promo design: cyan/ singuhr

Lona Gaikis published an essay touching Arboreal Receptors!
Access here:
Gaikis, Lona. ‘Thinking with Susanne Langer: Sonar Entanglements with the Non-Human’: Open Philosophy 4, no. 1 (2021): 149–61.

Harvester Bugs.
Autonomous energy Hunters.
electronic workshop
at Nuts and Bolts, this August in Berlin, Liebig 12

poster designed by Bureau Est

Very delighted to be a teacher at:
''a unique international summer school, held in Nevers, in Burgundy, aimed at students, artists, designers, makers, hackers, activists and educators who wish to further their skills and engage in critical research around the social and environmental impacts of information and communication technologies.''