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Fluid Alphabet

2024 - Ongoing Research project part of Form for Fluid Computer

Kinetik installation with water & air / 14 A4 acryl glass plates

Research supported through a Research grant for Fine Arts, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, Berlin, DE and Tangible Music Lab, Linz

CNC Milling by: Benjamin Bergmann with the support of Grand Garage Linz

Fluid Alphabet utilises water to showcase the intricate and captivating shapes that fluidic forms can assume. These forms, characterized by their organic curves seem antithetical to modern hardware. With a focus on fluidics as a technology alternative to electronics, Fluid Alphabet unravels an obsolete history to present a model that can be rebuilt.


A transparent fluid sculptural circuit is forged in analogy to the inside bits of a contemporary computer. Components remodelled from historical patents and archives as curvaceous geometries, guide in their cavities streams of water. 

Some forms, such as the Equivalence, are inspired by human physiology (the oral system) and appear to adhere to computer logic with a humanesque figure alongside elements like AND, OR, NOR, and NAND gates. One essential shape is the Fluidistor, which can undergo operations of both amplification and switching like a regular transistor. Form follows function as each angle, curve or nozzle directs streams through these transparent geometries.


While a fluidic transistor switches streams towards a series of logic elements, a slow-rate oscillator pulsates turbulence in the system. Water becomes a computational and informational carrier. Everything appears entangled in feedback loops through tubes and forms as water recirculates. 


At its core, Fluid Alphabet aims to index these geometries offering insights into alternative technological possibilities. It imagines a hardware entity for the future, transparent and modest in the utilization of resources while tuned in function to the natural rhythms of fluid flow.



2024 AfterLand, Qolony, Rezidenta 9, Bucharest, RO

as prototype:

2023 Klang Moore Schopfe, Biennales für audiovisuelle Kunst im Hochmoor Gais, CH

2023 No School Nevers​, FR

Read more about the larger project Form for Fluid Computer  →  OBSOLETE

(up) Fluidic Systems Design - Charles Berlsterling, 1971

(left-low) sketched Equivalence Element / (right-low) Fluidic model of oral system / A Guide to Fluidics, Arthur Conway, 1971

Form for Fluid Computer, 2022 - Net. Rivulet

Reimagined fluidic calculator

Images from Research / Form for Fluid Computer

© 2025 Ioana Vreme Moser 

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